Sunday, December 14, 2008

a favorite poem of mine

How precious in 
the eyes of God
the dying of His own
and reckoning
of all as lost
is myrrh before the throne.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Thanksgiving Fudge is Gone

I had a delightful Thanksgiving.  Ate with nice people.  The turkey was moist, and cooked enough (yay for those bags you put the turkey in).  Glad I bought a "real" pan for the turkey instead of the usual flimsy foil thing that bends in the middle, and gushes hot turkey grease all over the counter and fingertips.  Sometimes, it pays to pay a little more.

Lori bought this incredible fudge - it was creamy and yummy.  I sliced miniscule pieces, but ate a thousand or so of them - worth every flavory bite.  Mmmmm.  Kinda reminded me of when Dave and I bought some fudge from Disneyland, many moons ago.

Today Dave reminded all of us of the importance of having solid doctrine (God's Word), and keeping God in our personal lives.  Excellent, and challenging.

I made a phone call that I have been putting off for about 3 weeks.  It turned out to be absolutely delightful.  3 weeks of unnecessary fretting/procrastinating.  After the call, I felt feathery in my spirit.  Ahhhh.

Wonderful, incredible Art Show by Hillary after church.  She's a talented and lovely lady who loves Jesus.  

Fun meal with delightful lifelong friends.

Another incredible person helped us tremendously today, involving physical labor.  He came quickly and willingly, and loaned his expertise.  I am grateful.

Praying for S, R, K, J, D, and many others.  How does God keep track of everyone?  Yet  -  He does.

Thankful for the kindness of someone who gave toward a need in the body, and didn't even know of the circumstances.  

Sorry to miss hubby and son performing music together tonight in La Jolla; but my plate of "things to do" is overflowing.  So proud of both of them.

Three deaths in the lives of three friends this week.  May God's comfort be felt.

Being careful that sorrows do not overshadow the incredible freedom and hope and joy I have in Christ.  I have so much to be thankful for.   ;-)

My we live to ever love and serve the King.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hard, Good, Fun, and Almost Over

Today was a hard day.  Many things to ponder. I want to be less self-seeking, but it's really hard to follow through on this.   Here's the quote I need to apply:  "There's always room for improvement, you know - it's the biggest room in the house."
Today was a good day.  Great fellowship with some of those beautiful and talented Canyon ladies. How I love them and appreciate them.  They are sharp, sincere, and fun.

Today was a fun day, weather-wise.  I LOVE the cooler stuff; and it's been exhilarating to see fog in the mornings (as long as it doesn't cause too much driving trouble).

Today is almost over, and I still have much to do.  Lord, may I choose priorities wisely.

Today it's time to see a photo.  Kinda silly, but fun.  Ben and Kayla are singing a duet.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Little Less Chilly

So I was ill enough that I had to call in sick today.  The rest of this week is quite busy at work, and I need to be well enough to contribute to the workforce.  So - I rested much today.  I can't believe how much I slept.  Sleep is such a weird and amazing thing.  It's like a big time lapse.  I'm glad God watches over me, even as I am asleep.

Dave had a very busy, but productive day.  I appreciate his diligence and his wisdom.

I'm so happy that Little E has begun a blog.  I get blessed from her sister's blog; and now I'll get a double blessing.

To all:  sleep in heavenly peace.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh no - chills

So, it's about 29 degrees where Ben and Cristi are, and it's about 92 degrees where Hans and Iris are.  Couldn't we all share some of those degrees and "make nice?"

Busy but good day at work.  

I am a little anxious, because I have much to do; and my throat is scratchy and my left ear hurts and I have the chills and I feel warm and I am weak and I had better gulp some Airborne. Bummer.  But my heart is resting in Jesus.  Where else would I go but empty (to quote poet friend, Gretchen Sousa).

I caught up on e-mails when I got home, and also a little on Facebook.  Interesting post about grabbing the book nearest you, turning to page 56 (I think that's the page it was), and typing the 5th sentence.  Here's mine:

"When once you allow physical selfishness, mental slovenliness, moral obtuseness, spiritual density, everyone belonging to your crowd will suffer."
 ~ Oswald Chambers in MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST

I am not an island.  What I do affects many others.  I had better remember this.

This afternoon Dave was so kind and patient with a friend on the phone.  Best of all, he is genuine.  I am so small.  But I want to get taller.  ;-)  If truth is not adorned with love, it will only poke the hearer.

The bed calls me. 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11-13-08 Two Theme Parks in Two Days

So, it's late Thursday night, and my eyes are sleepy.  The family went to Knott's Berry Farm on Tuesday, and Disneyland on Wednesday.  What a fun couple of days we had!  Both parks have delight in them; and this was a good time to go.  Knott's was a little busy because of the Veteran's Day holiday, but all of the military families were so nice.  Knott's graciously invited military folks for free, for the entire month of November.  God bless 'em.  

Fun things at Knott's:  
-Listening to females shriek and scream as they begin the ride on "Supreme Scream."  
-"Winning" the 3 little ducks in the duck pond thingie.
-Seeing people get squirted at the stunt show.
-Seeing Cristi's delight at the "smashed penny" machines.

Fun things at Disneyland:  
-Watching Dave enjoy the Monte Cristo sandwich in New Orleans Square.
-Jedi Training Academy - LOVE this show.  The chosen kids really get into it.
-Showing Jasmine the ducks at the river in Disneyland.
-Shaking the hand of Billy Hill of "Billy Hill and the Hillbillies" - these guys are hilarious, and are incredible musicians and showmen.
-Seeing Cristi with her "twin" Princess Aurora.
-The beautiful flowers, all over the place.
-Watching the crew clean up the sidewalk, RIGHT after Fantasmic - trash is banished from Disneyland.

Dave is so kind.  Drove 3 sleepy passengers safely home from the Magic Kingdom.  No small task.  We dozed off and on, and Dave stayed on duty.  

We got home and in bed about 1 AM - sadly, I turned my alarm off at 5:30, instead of hitting the "snooze" button - Dave awoke me with "Eva, it's 6:22."  I have to be to work by 7.  I had space eyes at work, but made it through.  We bought personalized Mickey ears for Mr. Cole, my boss. He liked 'em.  ;-)

I just watched Anna~bu's video doc on the Simpson president  - wow - great job.  Very informative, very fun, very touching, very honoring.  It's one for Simpson's Archives.  I do love that girl and am so proud of her.  

What I'm learning:  God is reminding me of His goodness, and I want to be more appreciative.  I want to be less selfish.  I also want to go to bed, so I think that's the one I'm going to do right now.  

Remember that you're loved, all day long, by the High King.  G'night.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Day 1, November 8, 2008

Today I want to express gratitude to my Maker.  He has given me life, hope, and grace.  

I am especially blessed, because today I got to be with BOTH of my sons at the same time.  PLUS their wives, who are like my daughters.  PLUS the little grandgirls, who make my heart squeeze. AND all wrapped up in the joy of my amazing husband's love and presence.  Ahhhhh.  Life is good.   
I'm done.