Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Short update 5-26-10

Today is

-my youngest son's 26th birthday. Happy birthday dear Ben!

-still dizzy for me. I am appalled at how easily I get discouraged, when God has already done so much healing in me. In March I fell and mangled much of me. But I am getting better. 'Need to focus on the 99 things that are good, and throw the 1 discouraging thing back in satan's face. (This blog's spell checker just let me know I should capitalize "satan." No.)

-the 2nd day that a bird has dared to venture onto our feeder, after Dave relocated it so we could view it much better from our bedroom window. Be brave, birdies!

-the day I'm memorizing II Timothy 3:16,17. Yeah, I know it's already a familiar passage; but I want to truly learn it. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (New King Jimmy) Today Dave and I listened to some Chronicles from the audio Bible online. Sometimes I wonder why God left some things in His Word, and didn't put other things in. But I actually appreciated the hearing today. History can be good, in increments.

-almost over. So are the beautiful red roses from Dave, given to me over a week ago. They have graced our dining table and made me smile every day. God did a great thing when He designed red roses. There's something about the bright red against the greenery.

-worth living.

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